August 16, 2005

Blogger 1, sleep 0

I stayed up way too late last night.

I'm practically falling asleep as I type this on my woefully inadequate home PC, yet I continue typing for woefully inadequately explained reasons. (I wonder how many adverbs I could chain together without it becoming ridiculous.)

I mentioned yesterday that I didn't get up until 11 - that was because I was up really late the night before. So last night, instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour, I found myself wide awake working on my blog template. I'd grown tired (smirk) of my existing layout - in particular, the sidebar just wasn't doing it for me anymore. I was up past 2 working on a new layout. I was as tired at work today as you would expect.

Tonight, I played a couple of Sit and Go tournaments at PokerStars (27-seat, 10K play money buy-in, placed 5th in the first one and went out something like 14th in the second when someone loose-called my overpair all-in on the flop and caught one of five outs on the river - if you understood all that you have my sympathies) and then set to work tweaking my layout some more. The hell of it is, I enjoy tweaking the layout almost as much as composing. It's the software developer in me. I wouldn't be surprised if I've actually spent more time on layout than on content. This will not come as a shock to anyone who knows me. :)

So, it's just after 11 and I think it's time sleep got a point on the board. I was going to sign off with a haiku about my 2nd SnG, but seventeen syllables just isn't enough. :P
