August 23, 2005

tongue in groove

Slave labour is hard. (No offense is intended to actual slaves. You probably don't have net access anyway.)

Helped lay a new laminate floor in my parents' bedroom this weekend. Also did a lot of cleaning and moving furniture. I was on my feet or my knees for most of the weekend. My legs feel like they did last year after playing five sets of tennis. I gave thanks, more than once, that I don't have to make a living at manual labour. I really don't think I could handle it. Of course, if I did, I'd be in much better shape. :)

Had The Vanity Project playing in the car on the trip there and the trip back. Can you tell I'm a little fixated on this album? Little snatches of a hypothetical review kept running through my head on the way home today - comparisons with BNL, guesses as to the meaning of certain lyrics. I wonder if I'll actually write it. The blog is supposed to be a creative outlet, but it's a little scary to contemplate actual creative writing in a public forum as opposed to the standard issue "about my day" crap where the attempt at creativity or humour is in the way I turn a phrase here or there - there's certainly no expectation of a coherent whole. I suppose if I consider my audience (or what I suppose my audience is) here, they likely don't expect coherence from me in any event.

Surprise, surprise, I played a little online poker when I got home tonight. Exhaustive (and possibly exhausting) report is up at Busted Aces, where I'm talking to myself so far. Rob has joined but not yet posted, still waiting on Andrew and Will. I don't really expect Will without a lot of wheedling, and I don't really have it in me for something this trivial. It's bad enough at work when it's something important... hehe.
