September 7, 2005


None of these topics could justify a post of their own but together they might just.

Back on the horse: The first day of school was hopefully the day I got back on track with walking. I pretty much wasted the summer as far as exercise is concerned. I spent a few days in my parents' pool, walked a bit, played tennis once, and that was it. I've been eating OK and I've pretty much maintained but I should be losing. Winter's coming soon with its own set of excuses - I really can't let myself fall into that trap again this year. It felt great to get back out there and when I got home my muscles were twitching like they were hooked up to one of those Dr. Ho machines from old infomercials. Hooray for electrically-induced muscle spasms.

Revenge of the Yars: I bought Oatmeal Crisp last week. I didn't buy it for its oaty goodness. I bought it because it came with a CD of 80 classic Atari games. It's got a bunch of stuff I've never heard of, a few that I've heard of but never played, and a few that I owned: Combat (a classic), Asteroids (iconic), RealSports Football, and most importantly, Yars' Revenge. When my brother and I got our Atari 2600 (and commenced many years of fighting over it) it came with Combat, Space Invaders, and Yars' Revenge. Yars' Revenge quickly became my favourite - a true battle of dexterity and determination against overwhelming force. I spent a couple of hours playing it this weekend, and I must say, it's as good as it ever was.

A new nadir of geekdom: I've gotten hooked on Sudoku logic puzzles.

Gasping its last, tortured gasp: I think my venerable Pentium is dying a slow, painful death. I played a Sit-and-Go earlier tonight and it was fine, but ever since I got back from my walk it's been freezing up in Notepad and IE with nothing else running. I had to resort to DOS mode to finish typing this - I think it's the first time I've used EDIT in a couple of years. Just hold on for a few more months, baby, and you can go to the great PC roundup in the sky. Russell will have a field day if he finds out I had to resort to "EDIT BLOGLETS.TXT" - ha!

Now Playing: The Vanity Project (yet again)
Current Mood: wide awake / frustrated
